Vacation 2019: Banff National Park, Lake Louise, Grand Teton, Pillars of Rome, and Glacier National Park

This was the year of the "national parks." I have visited our western national parks a number of times. But this time, just about everything was perfect: good weather, clear skies, nice accommodations, and some very nice pictures. This vacation was organized, like others, around photography. It's always a toss-up whether I will get good pictures. The problem is often weather, or bad timing, or skies that are hazy from vast forest fires. This year, a bit cooler than last year, there were no forest fires to affect my clear, blue skies. You will see the results. We are so fortunate, as Americans and Canadians, to have our national park systems. And, as a senior, I just show my inexpensive national park card, and I'm in. This year, in July I headed first to Vancouver, British Columbia, a city I very much enjoy. From there, I head east across the province to Kamloops then on to Banff. I stayed at the beautiful Banff Springs Hotel—a dream come true. I exhausted myself taking pictures in the early morning and the evening—the weather was so clear and inviting, but I still got some time by the pool. I then headed east, across Alberta, then south into Montana and Idaho, and eventually back into the desert of southeast Oregon, where I photographed the Pillars of Rome. Sunriver was my final destination in July, where I simply lay in the warm sun and "had a vacation."
In August, I only had a week, so I planned carefully, heading north to Spokane then on to Glacier National Park. I stayed in the park's historic lodges, including the Many Glacier Hotel. It rained my first day; but the next morning, I got up early and was rewarded: beautiful, clear skies with fluffy clouds. Perfect! I took so many pictures I was breathless at the end! With little time to spare, I headed far south and a bit east through Yellowstone to Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. Once again, everything perfect. I stayed in the park, and I revisited some of my favorite haunts—again, my finger constantly on the shutter of my camera. I think you'll like some of my shots. Click the pictures below to access the site. And enjoy!
In August, I only had a week, so I planned carefully, heading north to Spokane then on to Glacier National Park. I stayed in the park's historic lodges, including the Many Glacier Hotel. It rained my first day; but the next morning, I got up early and was rewarded: beautiful, clear skies with fluffy clouds. Perfect! I took so many pictures I was breathless at the end! With little time to spare, I headed far south and a bit east through Yellowstone to Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. Once again, everything perfect. I stayed in the park, and I revisited some of my favorite haunts—again, my finger constantly on the shutter of my camera. I think you'll like some of my shots. Click the pictures below to access the site. And enjoy!