Utah is a state rich with national parks. In 2020, I visited both Arches and Canyonlands National Parks, both of which are close to the town of Moab. People who know me know that I love rocks, and I love deserts. Looking at this page on my website, your first thoughts might be that "these pictures are all rocks!" Yes, they are, and to my eyes, they are beautiful rocks. Rock lovers will look at the forms, the colors, the layers, the arches, the canyons, the flora, and the wild terrain. Perhaps you can also hear a slight whisper of wind in this otherwise silent terrain. About 14% of the land mass of Utah belongs to national parks. Utah has five national parks: Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, Bryce Canyon, and Zion. The parks cover a total area of approximately 5,046 square miles out of the total land area of Utah, which is around 82,144 square miles.Therefore, approximately 6.1% of Utah's land area is protected by national parks. However, if you also include other types of protected areas such as national forests, wilderness areas, and wildlife refuges, the percentage of protected land in Utah increases to about 33%. What a blessing for our country, and for all people who love our beautiful planet! Check out the slideshow.